Equazen Eye Q Capsules 180
Equazen Eye Q Capsules 180
Eye Q Capsules - Naturally Sourced Omega-3 & Omega-6 Oils
Eye Q Capsules Support Healthy Eye and Brain Function
Equazen Eye Q is a combination of the specific omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids required for optimal eye and brain function, delivered in the form of high grade natural oils. Eye Q doesn't use the word 'natural' lightly: in processing and selecting our oils, Eye Q ensures that only pure, natural form fatty acids are used. The main reason for this specification is that many who take Eye Q are youngsters, and so Eye Q believes this makes it even more important that there are no synthetic or artificial elements within the formulation.
When Eye Q made the formulation, they looked closely at the research showing that fatty acids do play a vital role in the development of vision, co-ordination, learning ability, memory and concentration. To reflect this work, Eye Q combined the highest possible natural source of omega-3 EPA, in the form of a particular marine lipid, with omega-6 GLA, provided by first-press virgin evening primrose oil.
There is good evidence that this formulation delivers the optimum ratio of fatty acids for eye and brain function. Testimonials from parents, children, in fact any age, have indicated real benefits in mood and concentration. Eye Q has become the supplement of choice in the UK and leading European markets for anyone with concerns about fatty acid deficiency in learning and behaviour.
Equazen Eye Q Research: Numerous school trials have used our omega-3 and omega-6 Eye Q formulation and have recorded strong benefits for children in all areas of school performance. Now, new evidence released from the open Greenfield Trial has revealed that Eye Q significantly reduced behavioural difficulties in a group of teenagers participating, who where at a high risk of exclusion.
At the start of the trial, the students' cognitive potential were within the average range for their school year, however, their reading and handwriting development skills suffered through their inability to focus and stay on task. Their behaviour and learning difficulties also meant that they were at a high risk of exclusion. Pre-trial assessment of the group showed that 94% had moderate-severe ratings for Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), 94% had the same Inattention Scale rating and 89% were rated as having severe impulsivity. So the teenagers suffered from either mild, moderate to severe symptoms of ADHD, including inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity.
After taking Eye Q capsules for three months, major improvements were seen in the students' symptoms of inattention, impulsivity, behaviour and concentration. Scores of severe ADHD and severe impulsivity reduced from 94% to 28%, and severe inattention fell from 89% to only 17%.
This trial forms a part of the many encouraging reports that supplementation with omega Eye Q can increase attention, learning ability and reduce impulsive, hyperactive behaviour in primary and secondary school children.
Eye Q Capsules Frequently Asked Questions:
What is the fish source of Eye Q?
- Sardines and pilchards, harvested from the unpolluted southern oceans
Is Eye Q free of environmental pollutants?
- Yes. Our source oils are of unequalled purity, but to be sure, every batch is independently tested to make sure that such elements as PCBs, dioxins and any other nasty stuff is not present.
How much Eye Q capsules should I take?
- We advise taking at least six Eye Q capsules a day for the first three months, and then you can reduce to a lower maintenance intake of at least two capsules.
What about for young children?
- At every stage of life, you need fatty acids, and children can take the same levels as adults. Eye Q can be taken from children over the age of two years.
Will all fish oils get me the same result?
- No. Eye Q is a formulation of the particular fatty acids required for optimal brain function. It combines omega-3 EPA with omega-6 GLA, and uses natural source oils of the highest purity. The results seen in recent television coverage reflect what has been seen in various clinical trials that prove the efficacy of the product. eye q is a clinically-supported formulation.
Why don't I just take cod liver oil?
- While this can be a good general source of omega-3 fatty acids, it is not advised to take this on the sustained basis required for addressing possible deficiencies linked to conditions of mood and learning. This is because cod liver oil contains elevated levels of Vitamin A and D, which should not be consumed in excess. Also, the omega-3 ratios and levels differ from those found in Eye Q.
Eye Q Capsules Directions: Take TWO Eye Q capsules daily with food as mantenance. Initially (if taking Eye Q for the first time) take SIX Eye Q capsules daily with food for 12 weeks then reduce to TWO Eye Q capsules as maintenance. Doses may be spread throughout the day e.g. Take TWO Eye Q capsules daily with food THREE times daily.
We are often asked why one needs to take so many capsules in the first instance. This is because our research indicates that one needs at least 500-mg of EPA per day, and this will be provided by 6 x 500-mg capsules (These levels of consumption reflect numerous studies which show that it can take about 12 weeks to build up the body's stores of long chain fatty acids.) The oils used in Eye Q are entirely natural, and are not subject to industrial processes of concentration, and so you can be sure that you are taking the fatty acids in their purest natural form
Eye Q Capsules Presentation: Each pack of Equazen Eye Q Capsules contains 180 capsules.
Eye Q Capsules Precautions: Keep your Equazen Eye Q capsules in a cool dry place, out of reach of children.
Eye Q Capsules Ingredients: Per daily intake (Two Eye Q Capsules)
Fish Oil 800mg of which:
- Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) 186mg
- Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) 58mg
Evening Primrose Oil 200mg of which:
- Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA) 20mg
- Natural Vitamin E 3.2mg
- Contains NO aspartame, saccharine, artificial flavours or colours
All variants of Eye Q are gluten and casein free. Jewish and Moslem consumers need not be worried about the presence of any porcine elements. The bovine gelatin that we use for all our Eye Q capsules is specially approved as being halal and kosher.